Did I make the most of it?
For such a long time I thought I had it all figured out. The plan was perfectly clear in my head and there was no need for me to be fuzzy on the details. I was stupid enough to actually think I was right! What did life give me? Lessons to learn that went beyond mere confusion and anger. They came close to depression.
At times it seemed so hard that I had to wait for things to become better. It seemed so painful that I had to put up with certain people or situations just for things to make sense. Through sleepless nights and unbearable frustration I realized that sometimes the answers we are seeking for are not here yet because if they were, we wouldn’t be able to handle them. Sometimes – unsurprisingly – there is only one available answer and that is: be PATIENT. When life gives you the ”silent treatment” accept it. Learn to appreciate how loneliness and sadness can transform you to a stronger person. Being happy doesn’t mean you have no problems and everything’s perfect. It doesn’t mean you must succeed in order to feel complete. Sometimes, failure is better than achievement because it doesn’t give you attention and appreciation on a silver plate – it teaches you how to get it.
Some friends aren’t friends anymore. But some friends are now family and for family there are different rules. Family means you always love each other and you don’t have to detail the reasons why you’re angry or upset – everyone knows that deep inside it doesn’t really matter if you disagree on something when you can pretty much solve everything with a hug.
I am also grateful for that certain someone who has given me the best days of my life and has showed me how love will always come to find you just to remind you of who you are. Words cannot describe how blessed I feel. He’s a truly amazing and I’m counting down the days to meet him!
Lastly, I’m thankful for those who have undermined me, those who have spoken bad about me and those who have given me a hard time. If it wasn’t for you guys I wouldn’t have known the joy of recovery!
…I think I have made the most of it. Five years. Five breakdowns. And in the meantime, five lessons learnt:
1. Believe in yourself
2. Cherish the moment
3. Forgive and forget
4. Be grateful
5. Never lose your childish enthusiasm!
Love and marvel,